News & Contact | Uglycute

About Uglycute

Uglycute is a design and architecture office based in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded in 1999 by Andreas Nobel, interior designer, Fredrik Stenberg, architect, Markus Degerman and Jonas Nobel, artists. We are working to expand the concept of design by crossbreeding it with our different professions and trying to analyze its impact on society by not only practicing but also writing, teaching and organizing workshops. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you are interested in a collaboration. If you want to buy any of our furniture, please write us an e-mail and tell us what you are interested in.

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Latest News

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Kvarngatan 14
118 47 Stockholm

Tel: +46 (0)8 658 44 40

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The website

The foundation for this website was produced April 16–17 2009, during a two day workshop between Uglycute, Konst & Teknik, Martin Ström and Ola Bergengren.